- Array should be a sorted array.
- Find the middle element
- if the target is greater than the middle element -> search in the right
- else -> search in the left (In an Ascending sorted array)
- if middle element is equal to target element -> answer found
- if (Start >End) -> element not found.
Why Binary Search?
ex: Search in a sorted array of million elements
Worst case :
- Linear search: 1 million comparisons
- Binary Search: K=log(base 2)(10^6)=20 comparisons(approximately)
To calculate mid element :
mid = (start + end)/2 -> but in this case (start + end) may exceed integer range value
so optimized solution is :
mid = start + (end-start)/2
Code for Binary Search
//binary search in an sorted array in ascending order
static int binarysearch(int[] arr,int target){
int start=0;
int end= arr.length-1;
//to find the element
while (start<=end){
int mid = start+(end-start)/2; //optimised mid
if (arr[mid] > target) { //search in the left
end = mid-1;
else if(arr[mid]<target){ //search in the right
else{// arr[mid] == target
return mid;
//if element is not found
return -1;
Order Agnostic Binary Array
->When we don't know whether our array is sorted in ascending order or descending order.
Two find whether an array is sorted in ascending order or descending order, we have to compare two different elements:
->so best Two elements are the first element and last element.
Code for Order Agnostic Binary Array
static int orderAgnosticBS(int[] arr,int target){
int start=0;
int end= arr.length-1;
boolean isAsc;
isAsc= arr[end] > arr[start];
//to find the element
while (start<=end){
int mid = start+(end-start)/2; //optimised mid
return mid;
if(isAsc){//if array is sorted in ascending order
if (arr[mid] > target) {
end = mid-1;
else {
else{//if array is sorted in descending order
if (arr[mid] < target) {
end = mid-1;
else {
}//end while loop
//if element is not found
return -1;
Source : []